Metapuzzle Solution

By solving the five pre-puzzles, one gets the answers RUBY RHOD, WEDNESDAY, HEART, PARAPHERNALIA, and FRIENDS.

The application form poses five statements, allowing one to arrange the answers to the pre-puzzles in the following order:

Mr. Zorg is a huge fan of... RUBY RHOD
According to Mr. Zorg, a good businessman should never make... FRIENDS
Mr. Zorg got his start trafficking in... PARAPHERNALIA
Mr. Zorg's first book was entitled Doing Business Without A... HEART
Mr. Zorg makes time for his pet elephant every... WEDNESDAY

Teams then needed to answer the following question: "Finally, if you've figured out the answers to the above, what goes without saying?"

"What goes without saying" was a hint that each of the five answers is a word containing a silent letter, in order: H, I, R, E, D. So the answer is HIRED, which teams indeed were, if they gave us this answer.