Each of the images represents a fusion of the names of two of the teams playing in our game, and the numbered spaces represent which letter should be taken from each team-name-combo as well as the order in which they should be taken:
1. Hollow Men + Mystic Fish = HOLLOW FISH
2. Sharkbait + Snakes on a Plane = SHARKS ON A PLANE
3. Here Be Dragons + Burninators = HERE BE TROGDOR
4. Snood + Blood & Bones = SNOOD AND BONES
5. Longshots + Snout = LONGSNOUTS
6. Blinded by Science + Coed Astronomy = BLINDED BY ASTRONOMY
7. Specializing in Malpractice + Continental Breakfast = SPECIALIZING IN BREAKFAST
8. Briny Deep + Flying Taxi = BRINY TAXI
The indicated letters spell out WHOS LEFT. The remaining teams, XX-Rated and Red 5, share numbers (as hinted in Zorg's arrival text) in their names (since XX=20). Combining those numbers gives 25, the disarm code for the bomb.
Originally we thought about delivering this as one of those ice cream cakes with a photo "printed" on the frosting or as T-shirts, but budgetary concerns reduced it to a paper puzzle. By all indications, you enjoyed working together!
A member of one team phoned a friend to read out the list of teams from our Web page, and the unwitting friend inadvertently relayed "Grover Cleveland Steamer" as a real team, occasioning much mirth.
Upon solving this puzzle, teams were handed a set of four "stones" by the dying Diva and instructed to head towards Berkeley. (The original Palm Pilot text contained incorrect instructions.)